Dray'Cee (born in 2011) who prefers being called Bri describes herself as smart, active, and funny. She loves being outdoors, currently plays on a softball team, and says her favorite class is PE because she is competitive. Bri also enjoys soccer, swimming, traveling, and animals. Dogs are her favorite animal especially beagles. When she grows up, she would like to be either a veterinarian or an automotive mechanical engineer because she likes helping and enjoys the challenge of fixing things. Bri loves to eat, is not a picky eater, and dreams of going to Paris one day so she can try more foods. Her favorite color is blue, her favorite music genre is country, and her favorite holiday is the 4th of July because she enjoys the fireworks. Bri says she can bring a lot of energy, great conversation, and fun to an adoptive family. She describes her ideal forever family as active, supportive, stable, and encouraging.
*** Potential adoptive family must reside in the state of South Carolina for this child.***
Dray’cee - Upstate from Grant Me Hope on Vimeo.